Health, Safety & Quality

Minerva Marine Inc. and Minerva Dry Inc. aim to ensure safe, efficient and flawless operations.

Environmental Protection & Energy Efficiency

Minerva Marine Inc. and Minerva Dry Inc. aim to protect the environment by ensuring pollution-free, environmentally friendly and energy efficient operations.

Drug & Alcohol

Minerva Marine Inc. and Minerva Dry Inc. recognise that alcohol, drug, or other substance abuse by employees may impair their ability to perform properly and could have an adverse effect on the safety and efficiency of operations.


Minerva Marine Inc. and Minerva Dry Inc. aim to ensure security for personnel, vessels and property.

Cyber Security

Minerva Marine Inc. and Minerva Dry Inc. aim to ensure safe and secure operations, resilient to cyber risks.

Social Responsibility

Minerva Marine Inc. and Minerva Dry Inc. aim to operate in a socially responsible manner, ensuring the safety of people and the environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour.

Social Media

Minerva Marine Inc. and Minerva Dry Inc. recognize the value of social media and expect all employees and seafarers to use these tools responsibly, protecting Companies’ reputation, as they would in traditional media.

Open Reporting Line

This Policy has been issued to provide a means for employees and seafarers to raise concerns that cannot be, or have not been, adequately addressed via usual reporting channels, without fear of retaliation or discrimination over such reports made in good faith.

Harassment & Bullying

Minerva Marine Inc. and Minerva Dry Inc. are committed to providing a working environment free from bullying and harassment.

Code of Conduct Ethics

The Code provides basic guidelines regarding the minimum requirements expected by the individuals and reflects the Companies’ core values and commitment to manage their business with integrity.


Minerva Marine Inc. and Minerva Dry Inc. aim to provide sustainable transportation services by taking active responsibility for the society and the environment we operate in, recognizing that business development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Human Factors

MINERVA MARINE Inc. and MINERVA DRY Inc., recognizing the link between human factors and safety, aims to consider Human Factors in the whole spectrum of our activities with the ultimate goal to promote safety and excellence across all operations.